With a branch office in Dubai and a launch in India, Climator provides a one-stop solution for supplying air conditioning units from all major manufacturers. Keeping your premises cool and providing the best indoor air quality are our top priorities. With Climator, you can choose from a wide variety of energy-efficient cooling systems that won’t break the bank. Additionally, our air conditioning services help you save money while beating the heat.Climator is here to keep you calm and relaxed with affordable modern Central A/C systems for all homes.

Why Climator International ?

Due to consistent weather changes, air conditioners are becoming the utmost priority and maybe the basic need for the residents as a comfort appliance used in domestic, commercial, and industrial levels.

A perfect cooling system must provide well filtered, eco-friendly, disinfected, clean, and safe humidified cool breeze. Air conditioners are essential for every home and office. They are very effective and beneficial for health, protecting you from harsh and hot weather or sweating at the same time. As air conditioners are an indispensable part of daily life, we strive to build immense customer trust using our world-class customer service and after-sales care offers.
We hope to go strength to strength powered by our unbeatable technology to maintain the beautiful balance of nature and technology.